Neuloskelin jämiä raitasukiksi. Wollmeise Twin Pistazie yhdistettynä Twin WD Indisch Rot Spiraleniin tuotti herkullisia raitoja. Yhteensä 111 grammaa jämiä näihin upposi ja taas sain jalkaan uudet pirtsakat sukat.
Striping leftovers into socks. Wollmeise Twin Pistazie combined with Twin WD Indisch Rot Spiralen produced delicious stripes. 111 grams all in all and a new pair of perky socks for me.
lauantai 30. toukokuuta 2015
lauantai 23. toukokuuta 2015
Lisää huiveja, vaihteeksi Heidi Alanderin suunnittelema Nurmilintu. Lankana pitkään varastossa marinoitunut Rowanin Kidsilk Haze, josta luulin pääseväni kokonaan eroon. Aikomukseni suurentaa huivia kuitenkin kariutui siihen, että lanka olisi sittenkin loppunut kesken. Uutta en halunnut ostaa, joten ohjeen mukaan mentiin. Huiviin upposi huimat 37 grammaa lankaa 4,0:n pyöröillä ja huiville tuli kokoa 48cm x 170cm. Unelmankevyt ja ihanan tuntuinen huivi, mutta lanka itsessään ei ollut mukavaa neulottavaa. Malli oli hauska neulottava, tällä mallilla voisi tehdä toisenkin. Lahjalaariin päätynee tämäkin muiden seuraksi.
More shawls, this time Heidi Alander's design Nurmilintu. I've had two skeins of Rowan Kidsilk Haze for ages in my stash and I was planning to use them all to this shawl. My plans to enlarge the shawl failed as I calculated that I would've ran out of yarn at a critical point. And since I didn't want to buy any more of this yarn, the shawl was made according to the pattern. This took only 37 grams with 4,0 circulars and it measures 48cm x 170cm. The shawl is amazingly soft and light but the yarn itself was a pain to knit. The pattern is awesome and I might make another one. This one also goes to the gift pile with the others.
More shawls, this time Heidi Alander's design Nurmilintu. I've had two skeins of Rowan Kidsilk Haze for ages in my stash and I was planning to use them all to this shawl. My plans to enlarge the shawl failed as I calculated that I would've ran out of yarn at a critical point. And since I didn't want to buy any more of this yarn, the shawl was made according to the pattern. This took only 37 grams with 4,0 circulars and it measures 48cm x 170cm. The shawl is amazingly soft and light but the yarn itself was a pain to knit. The pattern is awesome and I might make another one. This one also goes to the gift pile with the others.
maanantai 11. toukokuuta 2015
Jälleen yksi Janina Kallion huivimalli toteutettuna. Malli on nimeltä Melodia ja lankana Drops Alpaca. Menekki 4,5:n pyöröillä 129 grammaa. Huivista tuli ohjetta hieman isompi, koska neuloin tätä niin innolla etten aina oikein muistanut lukea ohjetta... No, symmetrian vuoksi samaa virhettä piti toistaa sitten myöhemminkin. Kokoa tälle ei ohjetta paksummasta langasta ja tahattomasta suurentamisesta huolimatta tullut kuin 45cm x 175cm. Tästä tuli aikas kiva, ei vaan ole yhtään oman värinen joten lahjalaariin päätyy tämäkin.
Once again one of Janina Kallio's shawl patterns finished. This time I used 129 grams of Drops Alpaca with 4,5 circulars and the pattern is Melodia. The shawl is a bit bigger than in the pattern as I just kept on knitting and sometimes forgot to take a look at the pattern... So for symmetry's sake I also had to repeat the same mistake later. Despite using sport weight instead of fingering and the accidental enlargement, the size is quite reasonable: 45cm x 175 cm. This is quite lovely but not my colour at all so this one also goes to the gift pile.
Once again one of Janina Kallio's shawl patterns finished. This time I used 129 grams of Drops Alpaca with 4,5 circulars and the pattern is Melodia. The shawl is a bit bigger than in the pattern as I just kept on knitting and sometimes forgot to take a look at the pattern... So for symmetry's sake I also had to repeat the same mistake later. Despite using sport weight instead of fingering and the accidental enlargement, the size is quite reasonable: 45cm x 175 cm. This is quite lovely but not my colour at all so this one also goes to the gift pile.
torstai 7. toukokuuta 2015
Muutama raita lisää
Oli pakko saada tehdä vaihteeksi sukat. Ja raidalliset tietty. Drops Fabelin väri berry dreams ja musta Austermann Step raidoittuivat aika herkullisesti. Kaikkiaan lankaa meni vain 64 grammaa numeron 42 sukkiin. Sukkien saaja halusi lyhyet varret näihin "kesäsukkiin", joten en ihan vielä saanut tarpeekseni raidoista. Pitänee ehkä tehdä polvisukat itselle samoilla väreillä. Täytyy mennä shoppailemaan ja Dropsin talvilangat ovatkin sopivasti nyt alessa...
I just had to make a pair of socks. Striped ones of course. Striping Drops Fabel colourway berry dreams and black Austermann Step produced quite delicious stripes. All in all these took only 64 grams of yarn for a size 42. These were a gift and the new owner wanted "summer socks with short cuffs" so I didn't get enough of stripes just yet. I might have to make myself a pair of kneehighs with the same colours. This means more shopping and luckily Drops Wintersale is on...
I just had to make a pair of socks. Striped ones of course. Striping Drops Fabel colourway berry dreams and black Austermann Step produced quite delicious stripes. All in all these took only 64 grams of yarn for a size 42. These were a gift and the new owner wanted "summer socks with short cuffs" so I didn't get enough of stripes just yet. I might have to make myself a pair of kneehighs with the same colours. This means more shopping and luckily Drops Wintersale is on...
maanantai 4. toukokuuta 2015
Nyt syntyy huiveja taas kuin liukuhihnalta. Janina Kallion huivimallit ovat sitten yksinkertaisuudessaan kauniita ja nopeatekoisia. Näihin jää koukkuun! Nyt vuorossa Cobblestone, joka valmistui vappuna. Lankana Hopeasäikeen Sukka, väri Myrskyn noustessa. Lanka riitti tasan viimeiselle kerrokselle ja päättelyyn nappasin avuksi valkoista Dropsin Fabelia kontrastiväriksi. Kaikkiaan lankaa meni 104 grammaa 4,0:n puikoilla. Päätynee lahjalaariin.
And it's time for another shawl. Janina Kallio's shawl patterns are simply beautiful and quick to make. And addictive! This one is called Cobblestone and it was finished a couple of days ago. The yarn is Hopeasäie Sukka, colourway Myrskyn noustessa. It was enough for the shawl but not enough for the bind off. For that I used some white Drops Fabel for contrast. All in all this took 104 grams with 4,0 circulars. This ends up in the gift pile.
And it's time for another shawl. Janina Kallio's shawl patterns are simply beautiful and quick to make. And addictive! This one is called Cobblestone and it was finished a couple of days ago. The yarn is Hopeasäie Sukka, colourway Myrskyn noustessa. It was enough for the shawl but not enough for the bind off. For that I used some white Drops Fabel for contrast. All in all this took 104 grams with 4,0 circulars. This ends up in the gift pile.
perjantai 1. toukokuuta 2015
Time for Coffee
Tämä huivi valmistui huhtikuun puolella ja on suoranainen ihme että lopulta valmistui. Malli on Time for Coffee, joka löytyy maksullisena Ravelrysta. Huivissa tehdään ensin vartalo-osa ja lopuksi pitsireunus tehdään poikittain samalla päätellen reunasilmukoita. Ja kun työssä on noin 600 silmukkaa, voitte kuvitella kuinka tylsäksi homma kävi varsin nopeasti. Kaiken huipuksi lanka loppui kesken kun reunusta oli valmistunut 2/3, sillä suurensin huivia ohjeesta. Ohjeen mukaisena huivista olisi tullut varsin pieni. No, laskeskelin että loppunut tuo olisi normaalikokoisenakin, joten lisää lankaa piti etsiä. Ja kun Jawoll Magic Degrade oli ostettu messuilta parisen vuotta sitten, ei tietenkään samaa erää saanut enää mistään. Itse huomaan kyllä eron ja sekös ärsyttää. Kaikkiaan tähän upposi 194 grammaa lankaa, suurin osa Jawoll Magic Degradea ja loput Austermann Steppiä. Vartalo-osassa käytin 3,75:n pyöröä, pitsireunukseen 3,5:a. Huivista ei tullut ihan niin kiva mitä olin odottanut, joten sen kohtalo on vielä täysin auki.
This shawl was finished in April and it almost wasn't finished at all. The pattern is Time for Coffee and it can be purchased from Ravelry. The body is made first and then the edging is knitted sideways and the shawl is bound off very slowly at the same time. As you might guess, since this had almost 600 stitches, the process became tedious very quickly. And to top it all, I ran out of yarn about 2/3 through as I made this bigger than in the pattern. The pattern would've produced a tiny shawl so I had to make it bigger. Oh well, I calculated that even if I'd made the same size as in pattern, I would've ran out of yarn anyway so no harm there. The Jawoll Magic Degrade skein I had was bought from a fair about two years back so there was no chance of getting more of the same dye lot. I can tell the difference and it annoys me. All in all this took 194 grams of yarn, mostly Jawoll Magic Degrade and some Austermann Step. I used 3,75 circulars for the body and 3,5s for the edging. This didn't turn out as nice as I thought it might so this might end up in the gift pile.
This shawl was finished in April and it almost wasn't finished at all. The pattern is Time for Coffee and it can be purchased from Ravelry. The body is made first and then the edging is knitted sideways and the shawl is bound off very slowly at the same time. As you might guess, since this had almost 600 stitches, the process became tedious very quickly. And to top it all, I ran out of yarn about 2/3 through as I made this bigger than in the pattern. The pattern would've produced a tiny shawl so I had to make it bigger. Oh well, I calculated that even if I'd made the same size as in pattern, I would've ran out of yarn anyway so no harm there. The Jawoll Magic Degrade skein I had was bought from a fair about two years back so there was no chance of getting more of the same dye lot. I can tell the difference and it annoys me. All in all this took 194 grams of yarn, mostly Jawoll Magic Degrade and some Austermann Step. I used 3,75 circulars for the body and 3,5s for the edging. This didn't turn out as nice as I thought it might so this might end up in the gift pile.
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